
Donald trumps ask ukraine to intrude 2020 election
Donald trumps ask ukraine to intrude 2020 election

donald trumps ask ukraine to intrude 2020 election

For Trump they were just another stop sign to be ignored. Any normal person would have taken those warnings to heart. It started when he appointed Michael Flynn as his national security advisor despite having been briefed by President Obama that Flynn was under investigation for the very crimes to which he later confessed.

donald trumps ask ukraine to intrude 2020 election

The reality is, Donald Trump has been daring Congress to impeach him since his first day in office.

donald trumps ask ukraine to intrude 2020 election

The first task is to counter the Republican talking point that the Democrats have been trying to impeach Donald Trump since day one of his presidency. So, Democratic Party leaders need to do battle. Trump and his minions are already beginning to frame the narrative for the election and Democrats can’t wait until there is a nominee to respond. With the impeachment vote, the 2020 campaign is now in full swing. Since Trump wrote his six-page screed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, I have been thinking about an appropriately strong response, so I decided to write to Tom Perez, who is in charge of the Democratic National Committee, with the hope that he will express my outrage.

Donald trumps ask ukraine to intrude 2020 election